BAAT Medical News

10 News

iMPACT Implants BAAT Medical
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iMPACT Implants

As BAAT we are constantly looking forward and invest in knowledge which enables us to improve healthcare by making ...

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BAAT Medical Celebrates FDA Breakthrough Device Designation for APEX R-FIX SYSTEM
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BAAT Medical Celebrates FDA Breakthrough Device Designation for APEX R-FIX SYSTEM

BAAT Medical is thrilled to extend its heartfelt congratulations to Daniel Bonthuis of MUSC Health and the Apex Orthopedic ...

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Small print matters – Lessons Learned from MedTech company BAAT Medical Products
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Small print matters – Lessons Learned from MedTech company BAAT Medical Products

Lessons learned from MedTech company Baat Medical: Small print matters Why we write on this topic β€œNovember 2 is ...

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BAAT Medical Products visits the USA
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BAAT Medical in the USA

Gary Antonius represented BAAT medical during the September Dutch royal trade mission to California. A great opportunity to meet ...

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ANSER Clavicle Pin – FDA Approval
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ANSER Clavicle Pin – FDA Approval

Message from the FDA We have reviewed your Section 510(k) premarket notification of intent to market the device referenced ...

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Publication on the Clavicula Pin
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Publication on the Clavicula Pin

Inspired by the Clavicula Pin project our partner Paul Hoogervorst proposed to create a paper from our initial mechanical ...

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NPO radio 1 BAAT Medical Roel Custers Radio Arthrosave Cartilage BAAT Medical, Floris Lafeber, Jan de WIt
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Herstel kraakbeen als succesvol alternatief voor knieprothese

Het UMC Utrecht een nieuwe behandeling ontwikkeld waarmee kraakbeen in de knie kan worden hersteld. Dat kan ervoor zorgen ...

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Herstel kraakbeen als succesvol alternatief voor knieprothese
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Arthrosave – Publicatie in de Volkskrant

Trots op een publicatie in de Volkskrant over de Arthrosave, een product dat we in opdracht van UMC Utrecht ...

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Gannet Implant BAAT Medical Products
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Gannet Implant – Scientific Publication

Another scientific publication on the Gannet Implant that we developed (a Dynamic Locking Blade Plate for femoral neck fractures). ...

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Arthrosave – Knee Reviver

Als je door artrose weinig of geen kraakbeen meer in je kniegewricht hebt, is dat erg pijnlijk. Een knieprothese ...

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